Frequently asked questions
When does my package expire?
All packages have an expiration date. One month unlimited Hot Yoga packages expire 30 days from purchase date. All other sessions expire 4 months from purchase date. No refunds on services purchased. No sharing or transferring packages purchased.
Can i share my package/sessions?
Sorry, no sharing of class packs or sessions.
Can i transfer my package to a friend?
Sorry, no transferring of packages.
Can i get a refund after i purchased a class or package?
We do not offer refunds on any classes or packages purchased.
Can i get an extension on a class or package i purchased?
Once classes or package expire you must purchase a new class or package. We do not give extensions.
I couldn’t make it to class. can i get a credit?
If you were unable to make it for class, the purchased class does not rollover nor does your account get a credit. If you need to cancel, there is a 12 hour window allowance before the class starts.
can i call and reserve/cancel my spot?
We do not take reservations for classes over the phone, text or email to Melt staff members. Download the Mindbody app through the App Store or Google Play. You are responsible for registering and unregistering yourself in and out of classes.